Coal Mine Water
NEWA's coal mine drainage zero liquid discharge process - "Destabilization coupled with flat membrane", the process reduces chemical dosage ≥ 80%, reduces the output of softened sludge ≥ 60%, removes calcium sulphate ≥ 70%, reduces treatment cost≥ 60% com
Coal Chemical Wastewater
Remove insoluble salts and emulsified oil from coal chemical wastewater by using a combination of destabilization system + advanced oxidation + air flotation.
Compared with UF+RO process, the pretreatment is simple, the recovery rate is high, and the requ
Municipal Park Sewage
Simple pre-treatment, only need to remove large particulate impurities, strong anti-pollution ability, long chemical cleaning cycle.
Short process, simple control, system recovery rate 85-95%, small footprint, footprint reduce by 30% compared with same re
Steel Coking Wastewater
NF coupled with destabilization system, NF coupled with cryocrystallisation;
Resistant to high COD, high hardness, high TDS and other complex water quality;
NF Desalination synchronized with COD concentration, reduce through mother liquor;
Landfill Leachate
Apply “Pre-treatment + DTRO + Evaporation & Drying” treatment process, shorter process, high resistance to water impact loads, operational;
Standardized modular equipment, small footprint construction cycle is greatly reduced, mobile equipment wi