Coal Chemical Wastewater

Water quality characteristics

High briny wastewater contains a variety of substances, including salt, oil, organic heavy metals and radioactive substances, etc., of which the salts include NaCl, NaSO₄ , CaSO₄ and so on. This kind of wastewater, due to the different sources, contains more types of organic salts concentrated in the substance, and the chemical properties are more different. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a suitable treatment process according to its characteristics



Remove insoluble salts and emulsified oil from coal chemical wastewater by using a combination of destabilization system + 

advanced oxidation + air flotation.

Compared with UF+RO process, the pretreatment is simple, the recovery rate is high, and the requirement of feed water quality is wide.

Adoption of "Destabilization coupled with flat membrane" technology to reduce dosage and achieve zero liquid discharge of coal 

chemical wastewater in a shorter process, with treatment cost reduced by 20%-30%.

Demonstration projects

Briny water treatment project in Yuheng Industrial Park 2000m³/d (Phase I) 4000m³/d (Phase II)

Xinjiang yili xintian coal chemical wastewater zero liquid discharge project 1000m³/d (Phase I) 1000m³/d (Phase II)

Yancoal yunenghua methanol plant wastewater treatment project operation  10000m³/d

Sanchangliang Industrial Park, Dalat Banner  2000m³/d

Toketo high calcium sulphate wastewater MLD project 3000m³/d